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2020-10-20 17:25:01

英语作文写作技巧——个人总结1.记叙(narrating) (1)时间记叙 之前 in recent days/weeks;recently;some time/days ago→in the previous→long before 现在 nowdays;currently; 同时 at the same time;in the meantime;meanwhile; 今后 by and by→shortly after;after a while→before long;after a few days; (2)内容记叙 a.引出并列陈述 ......in the following ways→first...second...last... ......for three major reasons→the first one is....the second is to...there are at least...things we should....→the first one is....the second is b.并列陈述常用结构 (a)firstly→secondly→...→besides (b)first→and then→finally (c)first of all→what is more→besides at first=first of all=to top of all=in the first place 2.议论(argumentation) (1)议论手法 a.举例:take...for example/instance;there is a good illustration/case in point that...; b.引用: a)as the proverb(saying)says/goes = it’s a old saying that b)generally speaking≈= it’s a generally recognized that =everyone know that==as we all know that... c)it is said that ≈ it is thought that ≈ it is known that ≈it is believed thatd)it is reported thatc.陈述式议论a观点陈述:In my opinion=to my mind=according to my personal experience=from/according to my point of viewb“之最”陈述of all knowledge I know=of all experience of me≈...is the most ...that I have seen/heardnothing is more ...than... eg : nothing is more important than the fact(thing)that...c)强调式陈述there is no doubt that=I am greatly convinced thatit is necessary that......shouldit is important that......shouldit is essential that......shouldit is proper that......shouldit is urgent that......shouldwhenever I ......, I can not but feel .... eg: whenever I met her , I can not breath but feel ashamed.d)因果陈述*强调联系 the ...er , the ...eras long as...,...As has been mentioned/noted that....shouldThanks to/due to/owing to...,....=....as a result of...=as a result,...*强调结果 Therefore,we should... /we can come to the conclusion thatIt can be concluded that...*强调原因 The reason why ... is that It is because ...that... That is the reason why...e总结陈述:in summary=in conclusion=to sum up≈in short=in brief=in a word(2)议论结构a.总分总结构:略b.并列结构*对比并列结构 on one hand/side←→one the other hand/sidefor one thing←→for another.......←→compared to...;in comparision with...Every coin has two sides, cars have both advantage and disadvantages.*转折并列结构.......←→at the same time(非常委婉地转折).......←→after all ≈anyway ; although...=in spite of...(较为委婉地转折).......←→conversely=on the contrary/opposite;but/however/...despite...(较为明显地转折)c.引深递进结构That is to say=that is,..≈In other words,...For this reason/purpose,...should... Now that... ,...furthermore = moreover=in addition=what’s morebesides=...in addition to......... ,especially / particularly....Useful Proverbs and Phrase The happiness will come when the pain leaves. As long as we work hard,we can make the impossible possible. The winter is coming and the spring is not far. Failure is the mother of success. Practice makes perfect. Actions speak louder than words. A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. good beginning is half done. Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today. Time and tide wait for no man.spare no effort to = try one’s best to...take ...for grantedmake good use ofmake up one’s mind to get into the habit of = form a habit of do good/harm to be closely related tomake sb warm and moved fall behind←→catch up with mid term exam←→final examination



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