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求英语作文 尽量用简单句!!!!

2020-10-20 19:25:01

As expected, the midterm examination is coming soon. So, have you been well prepared for such a significant period? To make us feel free and relaxed or well prepared, we have listed some suggestions to help you come over this hard time. 1.Get the real essence of examinations to check whether you have learned or understood your subjects well, not too much in your score! 2.Adjust your attitude correctly towards the exams. 3.Make a good preparation for it. 4.Try everything to make yourself feel relaxed before answering your papper. 5.Keep in good mood and feel confident during the examinations so that you can do your best. 6.Set your heart concentrated on your questions, do not think about anything has nothing to do with your exams. Finally, wish you good luck!尼玛累死我了!!事先说明一下哈,我是临时写的,就没就检查拼写和语法错误了,不过应付你们那种小考试还是可以的!



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