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2020-10-20 19:45:01




Directions: the challenge of starting a career after graduation

Nowadays, more and more graduates are inclined to start a career after graduation, however, considering the current employment circumstance, it is undoubtedly that setting up a business of their own would be bound to meet quite a lot of challenges。

To be specific, there proves to be a cruel reality that we cannot ignore that entrepreneurship requires some basic qualifications, including appropriate opportunities, initial capital, social resources and management ability, the majority of which, unfortunately, happens to be the student entrepreneurs’ shortage。 In addition, the fiercer competition and mature market inevitably and correspondingly evolve into the emerging handicap to launch a business successfully, which present higher demand for students。

Therefore, as an undergraduate, in my own view, we should make a rational plan, accumulate related experience and build up a network before starting our own business。


Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of studying abroad。 You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。

With economic globalization and cultural integration go side by side, an increasing number of college students are inclined to study abroad, including senior middle school students。

The challenges of studying abroad can be listed as below。 Initially, different habits and customs can cast some unexpected effects on our life。 We are not used to living in a completely strange environment。 Similarly, teaching philosophy and methods among diverse countries are contradictory sometimes, which is not suitable for juveniles。 At last, studying abroad needs huge expense。 Not only should our parents take pressure, but also we do heavy part time jobs after school。

By and large, were it left to me to comment, I would recommend that students are expected to fully consider whether studying abroad is the best choice for themselves and their family。


Direction:the challenge of starting a career after graduation

Personally speaking, influenced by the inevitable result of social advancement, the phenomenon of starting a career after graduation has been a prevalent tendency in our society。 And it also has been a hot topic among the individuals。 As for me, I deem that starting a career after graduation has numerous challenges 。

When it comes to the challenges when we start a career after gradution, the driving challenges can be summarized as below。 For one thing , we have to solve the problem of money,because it is the base of a successful career。 For another, the firece competition which we confront with may be a kind of difficulty for every student。

I think starting a career after graduation has numerous challenges to be solved, and positive attitude and careful consideration are essential for students。返回搜狐,查看更多




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