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2020-10-20 19:50:01

“Being people oriented” is the main point of school culture and paying attention to the needs of teachers and students has become a goal of the school administration. The school respects an individual’s personality, affirms a person’s work, believes in a person’s value, stimulates a person’s potential and provides teachers and students with a harmonious, pleasant and superior place to develop themselves. It regards students and their parents as educational consumers and integrates this new educational concept with high quality educational service. Satisfying their ever increasing educational demands is a long term objective and is part of the school culture. The school has also created a new campus culture through its use of the environment. Art works including large size wall carvings and fountain sculptures set off the art atmosphere of the campus culture. There are several squares including Flower Square, Seedling Square and Art Square that has mountain waterfalls. There are also other scenic spots including 3 tone Stone, an art gallery and an outdoor bar. Some of these places were built by and continue to be developed by students and teachers. All of these provide a pleasant environment in which students and teachers can emerge themselves and experience nature and culture.



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