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2020-10-20 20:25:01


1.Bird 1Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得。 2A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 3Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 4Its an ill bird that fouls own...

Failure in exams As we all know,Senior Two students will experience vaious exams and it is hard to avoid failures sometimes,which greatly upset them.Recently,we have discussed the problem about the failure in exams in English class. First,the advantag...

1. 动笔之前,认真审题 《中考考试说明》指出,书面表达要切中题意。怎样才能切中题意?就是要认真审题,看到考题后,先不要急于动笔,要仔细看清题目要求的内容。在自己的头脑中构思出一...


I like high school When I first came here, I was so lonely and I didnt know how to make friends, so I do everything by myself. One day, when I was sitting alone in the class while everybody was playing happily, suddenly, a boy who looked very friendly...

Today,English become more and more important for us.We use this kind of language widely.So,how to learn English well. Firstly,learning depend on your interests,you must make yourself fall in love with English.For example,if you like reading,then you c...


高中优秀英语作文As can be seen from the result of the survey,opinions are divided. About 60% of the students hold the opinion that life in senior high school is far from relaxing. The reason are as follows. Firstly, the subjects they are learning now ar...


本学期我担任高一3班和高一4班的英语教学工作。 由于学生处于初中升入高中的转折和过度阶段, 因此在学习上需要有逐步适应的过程。与初中不同的是, 高中的知识密度大, 基础性强,结构性强, 系统性强, 连贯性强, 顺序性强。 所以自开学之初, 我把单词作为重点作为基础,...

Im a sun, is also a ball of fire, you know, my surface temperature over 3500 degrees, the inside temperature is about 2500 times that of the surface temperature, people want to go to my here takes an estimated 3500, is a plane to fly more than 20 year...

I squeezed in the sultry noisy car, staring out the back of the scenery along the way. Or, the dwarf old gray brick and tile bungalow no right at all to be called the landscape. Corrosion is just waiting to be in the lonely time. The people in the bus...

In this world no magic, no superman, I will always find out what I want. These things just dont exist in the real world, but my spiritual world, I call these imaginary things fantasy. My fantasy rich and colorful, great variety, including: happy, swee...

Thank you is a kind of warm feeling, like a slowly flowing stream, gently singing, convey between the heart and heart in the world the most pure the most beautiful message. I very thank my parents. Is their tolerance with broad mind and a deep love fo...

One of how simple words, when we calm down and look at it carefully, you will find it is so perfect, under the everyone feel tacky appearance is a let a person become really interested in the truth, a passionate longing. MAO zedongs greatness about fr...

The beginning of the story as a director of an elaborate plan, at the same time in different locations, we met together, once, our scattered a few words of conversation, like buried a surprise for the second meeting. In July 2013, the new round of com...

If life never meet, I still that I, occasionally dreaming, but didnt know that there will be like scenery in the world. But met you, destined to become the youth road that indelible scenery! . Know the name of * *, for the first time was in her workbo...

There is a love, is different from a father and a mothers love. He is love. This kind of love is the need to develop, is like the a tiny yaren, need water and sunshine. If you want to make a bosom friends, you need time and sincere heart. Originally, ...

I have seen many things, including time, touching and sad... With so much, I remember one thing. It happened in the first few friends one day. That day, a drought mom woke me from my bed, I looked at it a turn the clock can not help but call way: how ...

Life is short, is eternal. How to spend short life? Give eternal life should leave some? This is everyone should subject to answer. The road of life is sunshine, avenue, flowers, but also have XianGuan, rapids, frost. How should they go? Our predecess...

The road of life, I do not know how many people want to meet, however, will eventually leave the memory is not too much, can often destroyed even less. This time back to my hometown western hubei, always want to find a find three o. Three is the eleme...

Since I meet you Meet Sue dyed in that year, I still wore plaid shorts, comb the hair tangles of the little girl. Uninhibited character like a wild horse, uneasy and inexperienced. Vaguely remember that day sunshine particularly warm, its a nice day f...

Actually, Korean can bell would have recognized this is violent mo wen wens voice. But today she rich imagination, want to the whole she somehow, so to find our house can bell? are you? The first time a can the bell at the throat to fine gas spea...

1, save electricity and the safe awareness, everyone do save electricity and safe; Study of electrical knowledge, to realize the importance and urgency of electricity saving. 2, set up the economical idea, start from the self, start from the minor mat...

Finally, is a flower, a flower will bloom in the summer. Many people say raspberry remain silent when the spring flowers are blooming, with secular indisputable quiet elegant quality, but also because it some time in late spring and early summer, so m...

Every thing, have it back, just like people have their own shadow. The back, life is emerge in endlessly, common occurance. Anyone have a unique figure, big or small, or heavy or light. Military figure, is there is mo open amir Johnson, is a symbol of...

Xiao li is actually a good young people, in addition to a little bit selfish. His selfishness may actually everyone has, but in some places he did stands out, the love of petty gains, sometimes take public things home, also, because Mr. Li is an ordin...

The classmates, in our life, adolescence time special precious. This stage is the most vigorous, the most energetic, most memory. We should make full use of this opportunity, learn cultural knowledge and various skills, to meet the challenge of the ne...

A few days ago on my way to school, accidentally see written six campuses in taigang 100 days before examination time, and the fierce to think of me and my students separated, the in the mind empty. To the school, and students about the matter, said t...

Care for life, pay attention to safety, it is always in our ears rang, visible now people pay attention to safety is very important, without security, peoples life is not guaranteed. Pay attention to safety, should start from dribs and drabs in our li...



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