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2020-10-20 21:05:01

3月12号,是一个营造绿色环境,期待绿水青山,呼唤人们爱护环境的特别日子 植树节。

March 12 is a special day to create a green environment, look forward to green water and green mountains, and call for people to care for the environment arbor day.


In 1979, at the proposal of Deng Xiaoping, the sixth session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People s Congress decided to hold the tree planting Festival on March 12 every year.


On December 13, 1981, the fourth session of the Fifth National People s Congress discussed and adopted the resolution on carrying out the nationwide compulsory tree planting campaign. This is the first major resolution made by the highest organ of state power to afforest the motherland since the founding of the people s Republic of China. Since then, the national compulsory tree planting campaign as a law began to be implemented throughout the country.


The grass grows and the warbler flies, and spring returns to the earth. On March 12, when the tree planting Festival came, people went to the fields and hills to fulfill the citizens tree planting obligations. Many people use the form of planting Memorial trees and building Memorial forests, which are engraved on trees and attached to forests.

自从xx年中国电信业、计算机产业、互联网服务业的从业者联合倡议,将当年5月18日设立为国内首个 互联网公益日 后,网络环保活动就如火如荼的开展起来。

Since the joint initiative of practitioners in China s telecommunication industry, computer industry and Internet service industry in XX, which established May 18 as the first Internet public welfare day in China, network environmental protection activities have been carried out in full swing.

第一范文网公司一直是环境保护与可持续发展的积极倡导者和实践者,第一范文网ceo丁磊先生表示: 综合协调考虑环境保护和经济增长问题,对企业的可持续发展提出了新的挑战。在可持续发展观的影响下,环境保护是第一范文网公司可持续发展策略中的重要内容。同时我们希望通过互联网来增强更多公众的环保意识。

First model network has always been an active advocate and practitioner of environmental protection and sustainable development. Ding Lei, CEO of first model network, said: comprehensive and coordinated consideration of environmental protection and economic growth issues poses new challenges to the sustainable development of enterprises. Under the influence of the concept of sustainable development, environmental protection is an important part of the sustainable development strategy of the first model company. At the same time, we hope to enhance more public awareness of environmental protection through the Internet.



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