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2020-10-20 21:05:01

As we live in this world, we receive different kinds of love everyday. We receive love from random people, such as our parents and friends.Among all kinds love, the love from our parents are the most great one.Parents love are selfless. They always concern me more than themselves. They give me their love without asking anything in return.I remembered when I was 6 years old and I got a bad cold. My father was very busy at that day but he stopped all his work, and came home to take care of me. My mom stayed in the kitchen and cooked all the things I like to make me happy. My parents took me to the hospital. I was on a drip which lasted the whole night and my parents stayed with me the entire time without sleep at all. The morning came, I felt much better and they were both very exhausted.My parents have always been good supporters of me. They encouraged me to do a lot of things and never go away when I need help. They are also quite tolerated to me. They corrected my mistakes patiently. The only thing they want is me to grow up happily.I feel the love from my parents everywhere at anytime. I will treat them well as they did to me. I love my parents..

2015 12 24 15:57

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  1. 2021-09-02 12:39武十娘[广西网友]IP:763133465
  2. 2020-05-04 07:28笨笨孩儿[火星网友]IP:1731731562


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