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中西传统节日对比 英文

2020-10-21 01:45:01

CONTENTSGhost FestivalvsHalloweenThe Spring FestivalvsChristmasThe Double Seventh FestivalvsValentines dayThe differences1 originGhost Festival vs Halloween1. origin2. customThere is a saying in a scripture of Taoism. That is 天官赐福,地官赦罪,水官解厄 . We call them the three great emperors, 三官大帝 or 三元大帝 inChinese.The immortal of sky is 紫微大帝 .The immortal of land is 清虚大帝 .The immortal of river is 洞阴大帝 The Origin of Ghost FestivalThe immortal of river is 洞阴大帝.We always say 一元复始,万象更新 . 中元 is the birthday of 清虚大帝 元 means the beginning.Here 元 relatively means birth. 中元 is the birthday of 清虚大帝 。Every July 15, QingXu come to earth, forgive the crime and release spirits who have atoned for their sins.ACCORDING TO THE TRIPITAKA 《大藏经》,MULIAN WENT THROUGH UNTOLD HARDSHIPS INThe story about Bon(目连救母)THE UNDERWORLD, AND SAW HIS MOTHER S SOULSUFFERING FROM HUNGRY GHOSTS. HE GAVE AJAR WITH FULL OF FOOD TO HIS MOTHER, BUT THEFOOD WAS BURNING BY THE FIRE IN HIS MOTHER SMOUTH. MULIAN ASKED THE BUDDHA FOR HELP.THE BUDDHA WAS MOVED BY HIS FILIAL PIETY孝,The Origin of HalloweenHalloween s origins date back to the ancient Celticfestival of Samhain 萨温节. The Celtic peoples凯尔特人lived over 2,000 years ago. In the area that is now Ireland,the United Kingdom, and Northern France.For the Celtic peoples, the New Year was celebrated onNovember 1st of every year. This date marked the end ofr Summer and the beginning of Winter.This time of year wasoften associated with human death.The Celts believed that on the night before the newyear, the boundary between the worlds of the living and thedead became blurred模糊 as the dead searched for theafterlife来世.Thus, on the night of October 31 st , theycelebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts ofthe dead returned to Earth to cause mischief恶作剧 andtrouble.To commemorate纪念 the event, people built huge sacred bonfires篝火 where ...



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