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2020-10-21 01:55:01

湖北2016年成考英语作文范文:使用手机 Using Mobile Phones

There are advantages and disadvantages for using mobile phone.

firstly, it is good. Using mobile phone can enhance your communication with others. It is a good way to keep in touch with your friends , parents, classments,etc, and when in emergency, you can call your friends or 110 for help.

on the other hand, it is not good. Phones have radiation. Too much radiation is bad for people s healthy. Besides, people usually download games to the phone, it may cause them addict to the games.

All in all, we should use phone properly , not too much.

The view of using mobile phone in our school

There are two different views on the issue of mobile phones in schools. Some believe that students should be able to use mobile phones in school because there are many advantages to doing so. For one thing, if an emergency were to occur at the school, the students would immediately be able to use their mobile phones to reach their parents and relatives. Also, if a student s parents wanted to reach the student, they can send a text message to the student as opposed to having to call the office and then getting transferred. However, there are also some who believe otherwise. If someone called in during a lesson, the ringing of the mobile phone would clearly disrupt the class, and students might be more tempted to send text message during class. Furthermore, students might use the mobile phones to cheat on exams, and this would cause many controversies. Overall, the advantages are balanced with the disadvantages, and it is ultimately the school s decision whether or not to allow mobile phones.




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