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2020-10-21 02:55:01

大众传媒时刻影响着我们的生活,我们所说的大众传媒的传播媒介主要是指报纸、杂志、广播,电视等,这些传播媒介传播信息具有速度快、范围广、影响大等特点。它的功能有宣传功能、传播功能、舆论监督功能、实用功能和文化积累功能。你觉得大众传媒功能对未来会怎样呢?下面是小编整理的一篇关于2018年6月英语六级作文范文:大众传媒的功能,供大家参考与学习。 范文参考: Mass media are very important tools ofcommunication, through which information ispassed to even the fa rthest end of the world. Theyenable us to communicate with each other byhelping us to overcome the barrier s of time andspace. Mass media function in va riou s ways. Below are listed the most commonly seen. First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which wouldotherwise remain unknown. Second, mass media persuade us mostly through advertisements. As we can see, newspapers, magazines and tv are filled with all kinds of colour ful, persuasive advertisementswhich tempt us to buy their products. Third, mass media give us entertainment. Television and radio broadcasting provide us with abig variety of progr ammes every day. Films, books, magazines, etc. give us dailyamusement. In a word, mass media will be all the more important in the future and their functions willenormously expand. Limited by space, only a few examples are mentioned here. 词汇学习: important重要的; 权威的 through透过; 经由; 通过 seen看见 see的过去分词 commonly通常地; 一般地; 平凡地; 粗俗地 advertisements出公告,做广告 advertisement的名词复数 entertainment娱乐节目; 娱乐 Mass media 大众传媒



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