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2020-10-21 04:15:01

In my opinion, the reasons of learning English that is so much fun are as follows: Firstly, it’s a important tools that we will use in the future , especially in the job search. What’s more , it is a required course that everyone must learn well. The last but not the least , if I learn English well, I would have the ability to watch foreign films , listen to English songs ,and read the world’s classical books.

For the first reason, as we all know, nowadays English is the most popular language that is used in all over the word,and almost every companies requires the certificate of CET4 or even much higher for the job hunter. So even for the job in the future we have to learn English well. Moreover, as a required course, if you don’t learn it well , we studen t even can not gradate smoothly. In a word , it’s really very very important. Finally, I think the interest is one of the most powerful force to do something. Words, once is written or spoken ,may be misunderstood ,much less being translated. So if you want to have a more clear acknowledge of foreign classical films and books ,or even foreign culture you’d better watch or read in English .So it’s necessary to learn it well for the interest.

Above all English is an important tools, which you would benefit from it in many aspects and you must and can learn it




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