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2020-10-21 04:35:01

How to Keep Safe in Doing ExercisesLast week in our P.E. class, one student had a serious stomachache caused by abnormal postures. During last term in the P.E. class a student had a bad fall from the parallel bars due to lack of safetymeasures. The fallen student had one of his legs broken and could not walk without the support of double crutches. We should learn some lessons from these accidents and pay attention to safety in doing physical exercises. While doing some physical movements on the parallel bars or balance beam which usually involve some dangers, the student should be protected by some other students or the teacher standing by his side as the bodyguards. Or we should put a thick soft mattress under these apparatus. If we do so, when any students fall down from these apparatus, they will not hurt themselves seriously. The teacher in charge of the P.E. class, should tell the students what points the students should pay attention to while doing some movements involving some dangers. If both the students and P.E. teachers pay attention to safety and take some preventive measures in the class, harmful accidents in P.E. classes can be avoided.



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