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2020-10-21 05:00:01

PartⅠ Writing 30 minutes

Directions :For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of having a sense of social responsibility. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Human beings are social animals, sharing a social order and are constrained by our common moral and law. Thus, having a sense of social responsibility can help in building a harmonious society.

There are two main factors for this. For one thing, every individual has his own lifestyles and interests. Conflicts may occur when people with no social responsibility come to get along with others. A recent news report mentioned that a selfish man, who wanted to enlarge his room, dismantled the wall between his flat and his neighbor s, causing a security risk for the whole building. Such phenomenon could have been avoided if this irresponsible man had thought twice and respected others safety and interest. For another, social responsibility can bring the whole society to harmony and prosperity. As Churchill said, The price of greatness is responsibility . With social responsibility, there may be less industrial pollution, fewer fake commodities, or even fewer wars.

In conclusion, social responsibility is the fundamental responsibility of individuals, enterprises, as well as countries. Therefore, whenever you want to do something selfish, think about the consequences your behavior may bring to the society, and think twice.



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