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2020-10-23 06:00:02

2018年6月23日题目More and more people want to buy famous brands with clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons behind this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

解析 审题

本周雅思考试作文题目是2013年11月30日的原题重现。最近的雅思考试作文,2013 2015年的原题复现率比较高,请各位烤鸭重点复习这几年的真题。





01、Is a famous brand a matter of identity or vanity? There are reasons to explain why more and more people want to buy brand names. However, to my mind, this trend is a negative development.


解析(1) 本段直接进入话题,同时明确给出自己的观点。(2) identity 身份(3) vanity 虚荣(4) to my mind 在我看来

02、Although people who are not vanity conscious generally buy off brands for price benefits, many consumers buy brand names for a variety of reasons: quality confidence, social acceptance, and customer loyalty. Firstly, recognized brand names usually have shown a consistency in product quality that has contributed to the evolution of the brand, and for this reason consumers rely on prior experiences or public word of mouth when selecting famous brands of clothes, cars and other items. Secondly, people have a desire to fit in, whether at work or in social circles, and so people want to buy famous brands as they believe that the brands will contribute to greater social acceptance. Thirdly, consumers develop loyalty to particular brands that provide a consistent, high quality experience, and that loyalty is essentially an emotional attachment to a brand.


解析(1) 本段论述人们购买名牌的三个理由:质量、社会接受和品牌忠诚度。(2) off brands 过季的品牌(3) a variety of 多种多样的(4) loyalty 忠诚(5) consistency 一致性(6) evolution 进化(7) prior 先前的(8) social acceptance 社会接受度

03、Although buying famous names is necessary for some special purposes, I believe it is generally a negative development. We all know that the product with a famous name is usually a lot more expensive than its less known counterpart, which means we have to pay much more for it. Besides, the strong desire for famous brands may turn us into irrational consumers and prompt us to try all, even illegal, means to buy them. Finally, if everybody in the society worships the famous brands, then the world may become an unjust place to live in because people will develop a biased contempt to those who cannot afford these brands.


解析(1)本段讨论为什么热衷品牌是负面的:付出更多金钱,非理性消费,导致不公平的社会。(2)counterpart 对等的人或物(3)irrational 不理性的(4)prompt 促使(5)worship 崇拜(6)biased 有偏见的(7)contempt 轻视;看不起

04、In conclusion, though more and more people prefer famous brands for one reason or another, personally I do not think much of this trend. The craze for famous brands, in my view, is harmful to both individuals and the society as a whole.


解析(1)本段是结论,明确提出自己的观点。(2)craze 疯狂(3)as a whole 作为整体地

7分范文Is a famous brand a matter of identity or vanity? There are reasons to explain why more and more people want to buy brand names. However, to my mind, this trend is a negative development.Although people who are not vanity conscious generally buy off brands for price benefits, many consumers buy brand names for a variety of reasons: quality confidence, social acceptance, and customer loyalty. Firstly, recognized brand names usually have shown a consistency in product quality that has contributed to the evolution of the brand, and for this reason consumers rely on prior experiences or public word of mouth when selecting famous brands of clothes, cars and other items. Secondly, people have a desire to fit in, whether at work or in social circles, and so people want to buy famous brands as they believe that the brands will contribute to greater social acceptance. Thirdly, consumers develop loyalty to particular brands that provide a consistent, high quality experience, and that loyalty is essentially an emotional attachment to a brand.Although buying famous names is necessary for some special purposes, I believe it is generally a negative development. We all know that the product with a famous name is usually a lot more expensive than its less known counterpart, which means we have to pay much more for it. Besides, the strong desire for famous brands may turn us into irrational consumers and prompt us to try all, even illegal, means to buy them. Finally, if everybody in the society worships the famous brands, then the world may become an unjust place to live in because people will develop a biased contempt to those who cannot afford these brands.In conclusion, though more and more people prefer famous brands for one reason or another, personally I do not think much of this trend. The craze for famous brands, in my view, is harmful to both individuals and the society as a whole.318 words



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