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2020-10-25 20:15:01


As the time by, I finished my vacation and returned the school. I know it is the time that I should say goodbye to my vacation life and adapt myself to school life. There is no doubt that I enjoy my vacation very much not only because in the vacation I could relax but also I can do what I would like to do keeping away from the pressure of the lesson and examination. I like travel very much so I spent about three days going for a trip with my sister and my good friends. We went to a beautiful small island named NanAo, which is near my hometown. I almost could not control my excitement and happiness when Ifirst caught sight of the islandsurrounded by the cleanly blue black water of the sea and where you can see the white and soft beach from a far distance. I thought maybe it was becauseI had not seen the sea for a long time that I felt so excited and happy when I dipped my feet in the cool seawater. I remembered I did not leave the beach until I was so hungry that I had to go for a dinner with my sister. We enjoyed our time very much. Finally we were reluctant to leave Nanao and were determined to visit there again next holiday.


My vacation was very interesting. I did my homework on first day. I played table tennis on second day. I watched TV on the third day. I went shopping on the fourth day. I… But I liked my going shopping best.

On Sunday, I went to a shopping center with my mother. The shopping center w...

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