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2020-10-26 15:10:02

"Bear farming." There was a bear farming,it is to ask what kind of a goat.Goat replied:"I planted the vegetables." After that,the bear went kind of vegetables.Soon,there is a small rabbit,and with the bear said:"Brother Bear,you should plant radishes,carrots are more nutritious." Bear listening to the rabbit,it just kind of put the whole vegetables soon pulled out,replant radish.A month later,the ground just smoke and tender leaves,monkey to bear came to visit.It bears saying:"Brother Bear,you should watermelons,to the next year in the summer,and thirst and hot weather,many good things ah!" Monkey bear listening to it,think it makes sense,then pulled radish watermelons.I do not know watermelon delicious but difficult to bear species,a series of good trees have withered.In this way,the harvest season arrived.Goats eat the green vegetables,nutritious rabbit bite from a large radish,sweet monkey bite from watermelon,just bear with nothing to eat.“狗熊种地”有一只狗熊种地,它先问山羊种的是什么.山羊回答:“我种的是青菜”.之后,狗熊就去种青菜了.不久,有一只小兔子来了,跟狗熊说:“熊大哥,你应该种萝卜,萝卜的营养比较多”.狗熊听了兔子的话,就把刚种不久的青菜全拔掉了,改种萝卜.一个月后,地里刚刚冒出嫩嫩的叶子,小猴来狗熊家作客.它对狗熊说:“熊大哥,你应该种西瓜,到了明年夏天,又解渴又解暑,多好的事呀!”狗熊听了小猴的话,觉得也有道理,就拔掉了萝卜种西瓜.可狗熊不知西瓜好吃却难种,一连好几棵都枯死了. 就这样,收获的季节到了.山羊吃上了绿油油的青菜,兔子咬起有营养的大萝卜,小猴啃起甜甜的大西瓜,只有狗熊什么也没有吃到.希望对你有所帮助.

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