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2020-10-26 15:35:02


Today, I found that there was some confusion in my family. My father is playing computer, my mother is at work, and the two workers at home are not available on weekdays, so the family is like a monkey without a king. Clothes are all piled up on the sofa like holidays; there are some dust and rubbish on the ground, but it looks like a "landscape". Look at the carpet washed yesterday, and enjoy the sunshine bath on the balcony! The quilt on the bed is in a mess, like a pile of unmanaged "hand pulled noodles" I see these lazy people are angry and want to clean them up. So I started my housework.


First of all, I brought the best weapons brooms and shovels, of course, to deal with dust and garbage. As soon as my broom passed, I shut the garbage and dust in the cell of shovel. The second thing is to take down the carpet that is still enjoying the sunshine bath. Its easy for me to get rid of this lazy person who is still complacent and wants to enjoy the sunshine bath for a while! Next, I learned my mothers usual way of folding clothes to fold them, and then I drove these little lazy pigs back to the "pigsty".


Finally, I cleaned up these lazy guys and went to the hall to have a look. Although Im a little tired at last, I think the process is happy. In fact, labor is also a kind of beauty! So I suggest that you should also help your family to do housework frequently to lighten the burden of mom and dad.



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