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用现在完成时写 要求:My experience 英语作文选择你曾经去过的一个地方 介绍一下

2020-10-26 15:45:01

My experience I have been to Guilin for class travel.It has been three years that I dont go to anywhere for travel. I miss the day in Guilin. Everything in there was clean including the water, the sky and the moutain. I could see the fish in the river very clearly, I could see the pure sky very clearly even though I didnt wear glass, I could see the green moutain very clearly from far away. Because Guilin is far away from developed area, it has been protected very well for a long time. I hope that everything can remain the same forever.

用现在完成时写 要求:My experience 英语作文选择你曾经去过的一个地方 介绍一下你的亲身经历 看到了那些风景 吃了什么特色食物 做了哪些有趣的事?



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