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关于感谢父母的英语作文 80字

2020-10-28 09:05:01

I should thank my mother My mother have done in my daily life. In my life, I should thank my mother forever, however, I know, no amount of thanks can equal the love and care my mother expended on me. My mother is a great mother of three kids, and always kind and easygoing. Being the earliest to get up every morning and the latest to lie down each night, my mother take good care of us and the whole family. For how many times I can see the tiredness in my mother’s eyes, but my mother never complain a word. In the past years, My mother care about me all the time, but we never have a closed talk just like two friends. I know my mother have millions of worries in my mother’s mind. But how much I want to share them with my mother. I love my mother! Wish my mother happy and beautiful forever!



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