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2023-05-25 06:20:06




"Grateful heart, thank you..." , this is a song of love is over "grateful heart", whenever hear this moving song, I couldn't help to think of twelve years has brought up my mom and dad.

All say the child's birthday is mother's good Friday. When we are happily to celebrate his birthday, ever want to mother suffered much pain at that time. When we cheerfully birthday, please don't forget to give to the mother of your life. When you vaguely shout "mother", mother is how excited and is excited. That kind of happiness, can only experience to his mother. And now, parents once young appearance no longer exists, but the lines deep crow's feet and their white hair. They then run for this home every day. Them on one day already very tired, and went back home after cooking, washing clothes, cleaning. At this time, even a word of greeting, a hot cup of tea, a pot of warm water wash feet, can make they have endless joy.

Whenever you mention the word "father", people always associate it with serious, serious, because my father is always strict and meticulous. Whenever I get excellent grades back, mother always praise me, I reward, what all follow me. And when I gave the result same to his father, he always smiled, not only do not praise me, back to the cold water on me. Like what "good enough", "and continue to work hard" and "not proud" and so on. If I didn't do well. But I was wrong, the father is not dissatisfied, just he not good at showing it, his heart was not as happy and mother! See their children get such good grades, he doesn't know in the heart secretly on hundreds of times, thousands of times!

Years may wrinkle the sparkle of the scratch, time like running water is never found again. And when the various and let I touched parents feeling was echoed in my mind. Remember when I was a child, father often on a business trip, take care of my responsibility as full-time nursery to his mother. One afternoon, my mother bought me two melons, eat all my breath. Evening is out of the question, however, I began to nausea, vomiting, connect peacetime love couldn't drink rice porridge to drink. Under the mother can be freaked out, with a thermometer, has temperature was 39 ℃. Mom even forgot to eat dinner, back up me and ran the hospital. Classics doctor is diagnosed, I have to acute gastroenteritis, need transfusion treatment. Because of I blood vessels, and did not eat again, transfusion drops must be slow, so after the needle has reached more than 11 o 'clock at night. Home mother forgetting her have a bite, hurriedly to feed me to dinner, to accompany me to fall asleep again. The second day early in the morning when I woke up, mom has to go to work. Looked at the bowl of cold rice porridge, I know mother night are hungry.

The grass is so strong, because it gives it life return nature; The movie is so strong, because it repay farmer training it grow; All of nature are beautiful, because they feel a grateful heart.










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