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求一英语作文大学生毕业留在大城市还是小城市?求一英语作文大学生毕 爱问知识人

2020-10-28 18:10:01

We have over the past few years you can graduate from college after a two way choice of a large number of people are the big cities to Chung, then create a small city in particular, a lack of talent, it is precisely because of this lack of talent, then work it to the grass roots level to the work of young people in small cities to provide a very good chance To Work in a TownIn China,there are so many graduates pouring into the society every year that it is not easy for them to find a good job after graduating。Many graduates would like to work in big cities。They think there are more opportunities in a city than in a town。And the salary is higher。Hower,there are many graduates who like stay in a town to develop their careers。They believe that it is less competive in a town than in a city。As long as they work hard,they can also put their dreams into realities and live a happy life。Whats more,the environment of a town is better and the air is fresher。For these reasons,to my mind,I would rather work in a town。



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