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假设你是张华 是某中学的高三寄宿生。面对目前的学习压力 想和家中的父母交流 感谢

2020-10-30 00:45:01

One possible version:Dear Mom and Dad,With the college entrance examination drawing near, how I wish I could have a face to face conversation with you, but I have been busy preparing for the coming exam, so what I can do is to tell you something about myself in the email.Thanks to your frequent encouragement and unselfish love, I have been making remarkable progress in my studies. It will be only two months before I take the exam, about which I’m feeling greatly stressed. So I need your continuous support and better understanding. I have made a detailed study schedule for the coming exam, which I have been carrying out as planned. Believe in me and I can manage to deal with the problems both in my study and in my life. I’m confident of achieving success in the exam and you will be proud of me.Take care of yourselves.Your loving son,Zhang Hua试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,材料非常简单,内容很容易把握。考生在写作之前必修认真审题,首先要注意文章的时态,要求是学生和父母交流近期的学习情况,心里状态及考前打算,所以要用一般现在时,必须用第一人称。材料只是一个提纲,告诉你写出哪方面的内容,具体内容必须自己把握。亮点说明文中两次使用现在完成进行时have been doing突出了一直在为考生做准备 ,一直在进步。还运用重点句型:what 名词性从句,it will be ……before……句型,which 引导的非限制性定语从句,为文章增色不少,并注意了句子的衔接如:,so 马上分享给同学

假设你是张华 是某中学的高三寄宿生。面对目前的学习压力 想和家中的父母交流 感谢他们对你的爱与鼓励 告诉他们你的学习 思想近况及考前打算。请你用英文写封短信发到你



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