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我的偶像 My Idol

2020-10-30 15:30:01

Everybody has an idol in their heart, and some change their idol with the age changing. The public pays more attention to the amusement circle, but for me, I am more favored of the athletes, because I am so admire of their strong will and spirit. For example, the famous tennis player Nadal, who is from Spain. He is my favorite athlete. I remembered the first time I saw him playing tennis match on TV. He was about to lose the game, but he kept his attention and never gave up one point. At last, he won the match. What a great athlete! The spirit he owning inspires me to move on. An excellent idol should have something deserves the public to admire, so the things they present to the public is surely the positive sides. The power of idol is great.每个人心中都会有一个偶像,有些人会随着年龄的增长而更换偶像。大家都比较关注娱乐明星,但对我来说,我更喜欢运动员,因为我很钦佩他们的坚强意志和精神。例如,著名的网球选手纳达尔,他来自西班牙,是我最喜欢的运动员。我记得我第一次在电视上看见他打网球比赛,在他快要输掉的那场比赛中,他一直保持专注,从不放弃,最后,他赢得了这场比赛。这是多么伟大的运动员啊,他的精神激励着我不断前进。一个优秀的偶像应该拥有值得大家欣赏的东西,所以他们向公众呈现的东西应该是积极的。偶像的力量是伟大的。 查看全文



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