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上学的理由The Reasons of Going to School

2020-10-31 15:45:01

When I saw the movie The God Must be Crazy, I was laughing so happily, the movie tells about the uncivilized world and the civilized world, the former is simple and happy while the latter is complicated and sensitive. People nowadays have to go to school since they are small, most students keep studying until they are graduate from college. They go to school for many reasons.当我看到电影《上帝也疯狂》的时候,我笑得很开心,电影展示了一个原始世界和一个文明世界,前者是简单而快乐,然而后者是很复杂和多愁善感的。如今人们在很小的时候不得不上学,大部分学生在大学毕业前一直在学习。人们上学是有很多原因的。they go to school for learning knowledge, so that they can survive in the society. People live in the civilized world, they need to learn all kinds of skills, for the purpose of knowing the world and get used to the environment. Unlike the original world, people hunt for living, they don’t have so many things to learn, all they do is to find the food and keep themselves alive.人们上学是为了学习知识,这样他们才能在社会里生存。人们生活在一个文明的世界,他们需要学习各种各样的技巧,为了了解世界和适应环境。不像原始社会,人们靠打猎生存,他们没有那么多的东西要学,他们所做的一切就是为了找到食物,让自己生存下来。People go to school also for the purpose of cultivating themselves with good merits. The world is full of regulations and people have the merit consciousness, to be a good person can make them become the member of the public, so people have to learn to be a person with good merit and make a contribution to the society.人们上学也是为了培养美好的品德。世界充满了规则,人们也有道德意识,成为一个好人能让他们成为大众的一员,所以人们不得不学着去成为一个用好良好品德的好人,对社会做贡献。In a word, people need to go to school to get used to the civilized world.总的来说,人们需要上学,以此来适应文明社会。 查看全文



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