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适当拒绝孩子 Say No Properly

2020-10-31 15:45:01

In China nowadays, most families have only one child, who gets more and more attention and love from their parents. Parent always try their best to meet the needs of the child because most of the time they are too busy with their work to stay with the only child. Then more and more parents tend to say "yes" to most of their childrens demand as a method to make up for the lack of care. However, its not a blessing to always say "yes" to children.如今在中国,因为很多家庭只有一个孩子,所以孩子受到父母更多的关心和爱护。父母会想方设法满足孩子的需要,因为大多时间他们都忙于工作,很少有时间陪孩子。所以父母会对孩子的大部分要求都点头同意,来弥补缺失的关心。然而事事都依着孩子,并不是对其真正的关怀。Indulgence from parents is very likely to throw bad influence on their children. For one thing, the only child of a family has difficulty distinguishing right and wrong. They used to get "yes" from others. Therefore, once they are refused, they will feel angry because in their mind, nobody can say "no" to them. Now, there are many bad events that youngsters hurt or kill others just because they are refused.For another thing, children will form the habit of getting something for nothing. They take everything they get for granted with no gratitude. They have formed the view that their parents have the duty to buy everything for them.Finally, most of the only children are selfish. Being the only child in the family, they neednt share anything with other, so usually they dont realize the importance of share.父母的溺爱很有可能对孩子造成不良影响。一方面,独生小孩子缺乏对错的判断力。他们习惯从父母那得到顺从。所以一旦他们遭到拒绝会很生气,因为在他们印象中,没人对他们说不。如今有很多年轻人伤害或杀人的恶性事件发生,就是因为他们遭到拒绝。另一方面,孩子会养成不劳而获的习惯。他们视自己所得为理所当然,没有一丝感激。他们形成父母有义务为他们买任何东西的观念。另外,独生子一般很自私,家里的独子没必要与别人分享什么,所以他们没意识到分享的重要性。In short, parent are supposed to take some effective measures to prevent the negative influences of overindulgence on their children, and parents should bear in mind that its no good to the childrens growth if they always say "yes" to them.总之,父母应该采取有效措施,抑制过度溺爱对孩子的负面影响,父母也应该意识到一味顺从孩子,对他们的成长没有好处。




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