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2020-11-02 12:30:01

OneThe first step of decompression is to shift your attention and devote yourself to your favorite activities. Generally, when you are under a lot of pressure, you are not in a good mood. Then you can do what you like to do.TwoThe second step is to listen to music. Music can help relieve stress, which is more suitable for people with less stress. Lie in bed and listen to music.ThreeThe third step is to exercise and run. Running can activate the muscles and bones of the whole body and relieve the pressure at the same time, which is the best way to release the pressure.FourThe fourth step is to read books in a quiet place. Reading can forget the pressure, but also can be put into the book, experience the different world in the book.FiveThe fifth step is to chat with friends. Chatting with friends can release the pressure. It can not only get rid of the happiness in your heart, but also get comfort.1解压第一步就需要转移注意力,投入到自己喜爱的活动当中。一般压力很大的时候,往往心情不是很好,那么这时可以去做自己喜欢做的事。2解压第二步是平时听听音乐。音乐有助于缓解压力,这对于压力较轻的人比较适合,躺在床上听听音乐。3解压第三步是可以锻炼身体,去跑步。跑步能够活跃全身筋骨,同时也能够缓解压力,这对于释放压力来说最适合不过了。4解压第四步就是去安静的地方看看书。看书能够忘却压力,同时也能投入到书本当中,体会书中不一样的世界。5解压第五步就是和朋友一起聊聊天。和朋友聊聊天是能够释放压力的,不仅能够把心中的愉快给去掉,同时也能得到安慰。



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