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2020-11-02 19:15:01

The girl who is in the middle of the photo is named Shen Yan. She used to be a lovely and active girl. But when she was ten, terrible illness caused her to be weak and fat. From then on, her life has changed a lot. Yan could not do any violent activities. She also could not have the P.E. lessons any longer. She could stand beside the playground, watching us playing. How helpless she is! When the second term began, we found that Yan didn’t come back to school again. Miss. Lu told us that Yan was in hospital. Her family spent at least 150 thousand yuan on the medicine! Being Yan’s good classmates , we must help her!

On March..25, a ceremony of raising money took place in our classroom. First I read a passage about Yan. All of the people in the classroom were moved by her kindness and hard work. After that, we began to raise money for Shen Yan. Everyone put their pocket money into the money collecting box. At last, we raised more than 1000 yuan. Although it was not too much, it showed our love and care. 来源:

April.1 was Yan’s birthday, some of the students in our class came to the Ruijin Hospital to see her with the money. Yan looked much weaker. When she saw us, she was very surprised. She asked a lot about our school and our class. Before leaving, we gave her an envelope with 1000 yuan in it. Yan and her mother were very thankful. But this was what we should do, I think.

At last, let’s sing this song ”if everyone offers some love, the world will be filled with warmth. ”

显示评论内容(2) 收起评论内容
  1. 2021-08-09 10:38Je t’aime,Je t’adore[山西省网友]IP:3407893615
  2. 2020-03-18 12:26风海晓云[江西省网友]IP:3389972252


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