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谁帮我 以 迎接挑战 为话题 写作文

2020-11-03 12:15:01

With the fast development of the world, we will face more and more challenges. Challenge means not only hardship, but also opportunity. Since we are young people and have glorious future before us, we should not be afraid of challenge. Challenge can inspire our creative power and lead us to success. The most important thing is to deal with challenge properly. First, we must get ready for challenge at any time, because it comes all of a sudden. Second, you should be courageous enough to face up to it. No pains, no gains. Only through hard work can we achieve success. Finally, make sure that we have adequate knowledge to help us deal with challenge. As for me, I have my own ways to deal with challenge, Im always trying to challenge myself and conquer myself. Only by means of this can I achieve my ambitious goal.



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