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家的重要性The Importance of Family

2020-11-03 13:00:01

Family is a very important part of daily life in material as well as in spirit. It’s important not only because it provides us a place to live in, but also it supports us in spiritual aspect.在物质方面和精神方面家庭是日常生活中很重要的一部分。它重要不仅是因为它给我们提供和居住的地方,而且因为它在精神上支持我们。Family is the most familiar place for us, where there are our beloved families who care for and support to each other. In addtition, it’s a place full filled with love, although it appears to be so common. The ordinary household affairs make us feel the warmth and happiness of family all the time. The most important is that family is our haven, a place where we are protected. It perhaps is the last station where we can lay down burden and get the real relax.家对我们来说是最熟悉的地方,那里有我们最爱的家人,我们相互关心,相互支持。另外,家是充满爱的地方,尽管它看起来是如此普通。最平常的家庭琐事也会让我们一直感受到家庭的温暖和幸福。最重要的是家是我们的天堂,是可以保护我们的地方。也许家是我们可以放下压力得到真正的放松的最后栖息地。




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