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我的冒险经历 英语作文

2020-11-05 17:50:01

导航: >我的冒险经历 英语作文时间:2018 8 28我的冒险经历 英语作文好的加分相关问题:匿名网友:Last summer,I,Du Bobo,Dubbo sister play in Beijing.Led to adventure.In the hotel,Du Bobo on said:Tomorrow it to Beijing virgin forest fauna Last summer,I,Du Bobo,Dubbo sister play in Beijing.Led to adventure.In the hotel,Du Bobo on said:Tomorrow go to Beijing jungle fauna it! I am a,glad to ear to ear.Days early in the morning,followed by tours on the.More than an hour,finally reached the destination.Into the door,a beautiful picture in front of lots:trees,grass everywhere,flowers in full bloom,a few butterflies fluttering from time to time.Miss some guides on that,so do not act alone,and went into the woods.Walking in the woods from time to time bursts of birds,people feel gloomy primeval forest fauna is.Also ahead,I heard a cuckoo sound,my heart rate immediately,there is a cold hand grabbed the heart,I think the dark heart.I,Du Bobo,a pedestrian walking animals,tour groups,from the ranks of the.Backtrack up.As I walked,I saw not far in front of a snake,I will let stop,to discuss how to go snake to approach this,I had some distraught.Said:The snake is non toxic,all right. Finish,the pick up a dry stick,catch snake.While,listening to the calls of wild animals,the heart can resist hop.Also beast will hurt people close to.Move forward quickly,unaware of the steps.I could not even walk and run,for fear of wild animals,cold sweats,although the weather is very hot,but my whole body trembling,every cell in the body boiling,and roots are Bengzhi the tendons.Go faster and faster,while,sounds,and silence,even more creepy.Stopped and rest for a while.,Heard the screams tour groups,they chased up,but also with the carriage return on a tour group.I took a deep sigh of relief,really scare.When I left,actually resulted in attachment.Adventure that I grew up in adventures that can strengthen their will,I will never forget!



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