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假如你是李华 你校学生会将举办一次读书活动.请你用英语写一篇通知.

2020-11-06 18:25:01

Notice The StudentsUnion will organize a second hand book fair in order to enrich students after schoolife and develop their interest in reading. The fair is arranged on Friday 12,Oct. It will start at 2:30 pm.and last 2hours.Each class is required to collect second hand books on various subjects,such as literature,sports,science and so on.Students who are interested in the activity can bring your books as well,You are supposed to gather in the library hall with your books.In the fair,books can be sold at the price you fix up in advance.Besides,students can choose to exchange books with each other. All the students are welcome to take part in the activity. The StudentUnion



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