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话题作文:近来网络上流行一句话:“世界上最远的距离是我在你对面 你却在看手机。”

2020-11-07 01:35:01

Some time ago, an old businessman had a large store in Boston. He wanted a boy to work for him, and he put an advertisement in the newspaper. The next morning, many boys came to the old mans office, asking for the job.

There was a post柱子by his desk, and there was a nail钉子)in it. He took a walking stick and said, "Everyone has three chances. If anyone can hit the nail on the head with this stick more than once, I will give him the job."The boys thought it was easy. They all tried, but nobody could make it. So the old man said, "Im sorry I cant take any of you."And they left.

He kept the advertisement in the paper, and the next morning many more boys came, and among them he saw a thin boy who had been there the day before. The boy hit the nail successfully for three times. The old man felt surprised and asked how he did that. "Yes," said the boy, "I failed yesterday, but I thought that if I kept on trying a while, I could do it. So I went home and practiced hitting a nail with a stick till I could do it, and I got up very early this morning, and tried again."

The old man said, "You are the boy for me." And he gave him the job. Whatever the boy had to do, he tried to do his best. It was not very long before he became the best clerk in the store.

Answer the questions according to the passage.

1.What could they use to hit the nail?

2.How many chances could everyone have to hit the nail?

3.Who got the job on the first day?

4.Did the boys know the advertisement on TV or in the newspaper?

5.Why could the boy hit the nail successfully?

话题作文:近来网络上流行一句话:“世界上最远的距离是我在你对面 你却在看手机。”这句话真实反映了当前的社会现象 “手机控” “低头族”越来越...



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