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小学英语作文:快乐的时刻 The Happy Moment

2020-11-07 14:45:02

小学英语作文:快乐的时刻 The Happy Moment2019 02 20 14:45:00 无忧考网导语学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些短篇英语文章也是提高英语阅读能力的一种。下面是无忧考网整理发布的“小学英语作文”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注无忧考网!

篇一快乐的时刻 The Happy Moment

Today, when the class is over, my friends and I don’t go home and we decide to eat outside. We choose a restaurant that is buffet. We are attracted by all kinds of food, we can choose food according to our taste. It is such a happy moment, and we eat and talk a lot.Then we go home after finishing the food.今天下课后,我和我的朋友们不回家,打算在外面吃。我们选了一个自助餐厅。我们被各种各样的食物吸引了。可以根据我们自己的口味去选择食物。这是一个快乐的时刻,我们一边吃,一边聊天。吃完饭后,我们就回家了。

篇二我想学会游泳 I Want to Learn Swimming

I like swimming and I admire those people can swim in the water just like fish. But it is hard for me to learn it well. I have tried to learn it many times. I just can’t learn it well. I am too afraid. I am afraid of drowning. I am afraid the water will take my life away. I need to be brave and I want to learn it this summer. Good luck to me.我喜欢游泳,我也很羡慕那些在水里游泳游得像鱼一样的人。但是,对我来说,学会游泳真的很难。我已经学过好多次了,就是没学会。我胆子太小了,我总是害怕会被淹死。我害怕那水会把我的生命带走。我需要勇敢一点,希望这个夏天能够学会游泳。祝我好运。

篇三修好的玩具 The Fixed Toy

My father buys me a Barbie doll as my birthday present and I like it so much. Owning a Barbie doll is every little girl’s dream. It provides them the dream to be a princess. But my Barbie doll is broken soon after, and I feel sad. But, I find it has been fixed later. I think it is my mother, but she tells me that it is my father. I am so moved.我的爸爸给我买了一个芭比娃娃作为我的生日礼物,我很喜欢。拥有一个芭比娃娃是每个小女孩的梦想。它成就了我们的公主梦。但是,没多久我的芭比娃娃就坏了,我感到很难过。后来我发现它被修好了。我以为是我妈妈修好的,可是她告诉我是爸爸修的。我很感动。



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