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2020-11-11 04:55:01

Never think you will never be detected, when you want to tell a lie. The chances are, sooner or later, your lie witt be found out and it will then expose you to shame.永远不要认为你永远不会被发现,当你想说谎的时候。这是有可能的,迟早有一天,你的谎言发现,然后它会让你感到羞愧。Telling a lie is morally wrong. Besides, there are many disadvantages lying in the way of a liar. First, he has to have a good memory, lest he contradicts at one time what he said in another. Second, he is always annoyed by his conscience, because he is in constant fear that his falsehood may be found out. Third, a liar is never trusted and respected by others.说谎是道德上的错误。除此之外,说谎还有很多缺点。首先,他必须有一个好的记忆,以免他一次反驳另一个他说的话。第二,他总是为自己的良心感到烦恼,因为他总是担心自己的谎言会被发现。第三,说谎的人从不被别人信任和尊重。The result may be that his words, even when he speaks the truth, are not believed. Fourth and the last, once a person has told a lie, he cannot help telling another in order to conceal the first, and then a third and a fourth, until lying becomes ahabit. After that, he may say something untrue even when he wishes to speak the truth.结果可能是,即使他说真话,他的话也不会被相信。第四、最后,一旦一个人说了谎,他忍不住告诉另一个为了隐瞒第一,然后第三和第四,直到谎言被相信。在那之后,即使他想说真话,他也会说些不真实的话。The disadvantages resulting from telling a lie are too many to be listed. The above are just some of the obvious ones. If you want to be free from these annoyances, if you want to be a trustworthy person, never tell a lie.说谎的缺点太多,无法列举。以上只是一些显而易见的问题。如果你想从这些烦恼是免费的,如果你想成为一个值得信赖的人,从不说谎。希望对你有帮助~



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