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求一篇英语作文高一作文哦 关于动物频临灭绝的 最好写熊猫的写动物频临灭绝的哦

2020-11-12 22:40:01

Saving TigersTigers are the kings of the forest. They have got “a brown coat” with black strips. They have long tails and the tails are about 80 150cm long. They catch small animals as their food. Their favorite animals are deer and boars. Tigers are never far from the water. They are good swimmers and love bathing in pools and lakes. The young ones stay with their mothers in a family group for two years, learning to hunt. They look like the large cats. When tigers roar, you can hear the sound almost two miles away. But when they are in pain, they purr, like a cat in your house. Tigers have just about the same lifespan as your house cat. It is about fifteen years. 呵呵,希望可以帮到你



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