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2020-11-13 18:00:01


it was my first day at the university. carrying bags of luggage, i walked slowly into the dormitory building. i looked door after door for my name. at last i found it. in the room, there was already a girl making her bed.

smiling shyly, she greeted me with how do you do.then, she continued her work, paying no more attention to me.what a stuck up fellow, i thought. then i began to examine the room. it was no different from any other room i had seen.but it had been thoroughly cleaned by my new roommate, no doubt.minutes later, i started to examine her. she was thin, short and dark. her hair was in a completely disastrous mess like a bunch of straw. her dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long journey. well, her 2shirt was too big for her and her trousers were a bit short, which made her look funny.furthermore, she wore a pair of rubber scandals, which were indeed out of fashion. in a word, she did not look like a smart freshman at all. a yokel, i concluded.

the second time she spoke, her accent told me that she was from the south. shall i help you to get your luggage from the ground floor? i did not refuse since i really needed help. wow!she was quick in action. before i said thanks, she had already walked out of the room and was soon far ahead of me.

a good guy, i said to myself, i will make friends with her. i hurried and caught up with her.


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