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初三英语作文关于去朋友家过生日 – 木木英语作文网

2020-11-13 18:05:01

的英语作文呢?下面是 小编给大家精心挑选的初三英语作文关于去朋友家过生日,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!,初三英语作文关于去朋友家过生日篇1, Thursday is my good friend Wang Yichun birthday, she invited us to her home a few good friends birthday.,初三英语作文关于去朋友家过生日篇2, I m happy, I at noon after school, they rushed to the shop to buy her a gift, and wanted to make a gift for her, but want to have enough time, so I bought her a small gift, in the afternoon, we a few good friends after school, a ride to the Wang Yichun home, her house in the east building materials, not too far away, in her home, we finished their homework first, play the computer for a moment, in the time of have a meal, we open the cake, a cream flavor had come, food in my mouth water, I think a good idea, the cake cream to put on to Wang Yichun face, let s wipe the cream of the hand to her back, when Wang Yichun out, we hurriedly wipe the cream on her face, the Wang Yichun is then turned into a cat, a candle on, turn off the light, we all together to Wang Yichun sang birthday songs, program is over, we open the lamp, birthday boy made a cake for everyone, everyone finished happy birthday feast., This evening we all very happy, and Wang Yichun wait until my birthday next time, I will invite my friends to my home., On August 10, 20 xx years is one of my friends Liu Zhenqi sister Liu Zhenlin six years old birthday. Birthday evening he asked me to not go to his house, I can readily agreed., Ten o clock at night, the dark chamber, with a little light, and then five light fire. Turn on the light a look, oh, the original birthday party begins. Cut the cake, I gave her a toy, I want to play a game, the rules of the game is the three of us play CARDS, with the first bite of cake, the second no reward, the third to first put some cream on your face. In the end, my friend Liu Zhengqi face were put on a quarter, and half of my face was Liu Zhenlin be wipe all face! We use hand wipe down the face cream to eat, eat with bewick in time., The first time I so happy!,初三英语作文关于去朋友家过生日篇3, In the evening, my good friend swims Xiao ocean let me pass for her birthday. What to buy her a gift? Buy a pencil box, like skin and all these things is what she wants but her mother not to buy her, today I bought her she must be very happy, very happy, even to eat the we took out the gift, she see the gift, eyes flashing light of excitement, of what she want have, but also a gift no one can help her, is let her play every day, to this nobody to help her, so we had this birthday is not happy.



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