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2020-11-14 00:15:01

the tribulations I meet in my life and study now that I was a senior studentin college I know what I should do whenever i meet tribulations in everyday life .but i still clearly remember the time when i was a freshman . it is hard for me to overcome those difficulties.though i insist in my mind that i was not a shy boy ,sometimesactually i was .i was afraid to speak to my classmates on the platform because i worried about making mistakes . therefore usually i did not put up my hands to ask any questions presented by the teacher during the class even if i definitely know the answer .there are many activities held by the student union inthe first year ,but i seldom take part in them .what i can do was to be an audience and admirethewinner inthe end .what is more i have no courage to express my love to my beloved. clearl i also know she likes me but because of my flabbiness she was another boy girl friend at last . what a pity ! as time went by gradually i become more mature in the late years . i have tried many ways to find back the self confidence . fortunately i havesucceed . i think anybody like the former me should no longer be ashamed and self abasement . we should cherishevery minute andsecond we own now .



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