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敦煌莫高窟 The Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang@@

2020-11-14 00:55:01

Dennis: You said your hometown is in Gansu, isnt it?

丹尼斯:你说过你家在甘肃省,是吗?Nick: Yes. Go there for travelling if you have time. Ill show you around.尼克:是的,有时间去旅游吧,我给你当导游。Dennis: What are the famous tourist sites, if I should go there one day?丹尼斯:要是我去玩的话,有什么著名的旅游景点呢?Nick: I would recommend the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang. You must have heard of them. They are located on the ancient Silk Road. The place was once a hub of commerce and religion.尼克:我推荐敦煌莫高窟,你肯定听说过吧。莫高窟坐落在古时的丝绸之路上,曾经是商业和宗教的中心。Dennis: Yes, I have. Are they interesting, though? I thought they are just Buddha statues and religious frescos.丹尼斯:听说过。但是有意思吗?我以为就是些佛像和宗教壁画之类的。Nick: There are more than twelve thousand statues. The frescos are elaborately colored and deftly painted. The content includes Buddhist teachings, life stories of the Buddha, and historical events. I think you will marvel at what wonders faith can do, at least in art.尼克:那里的雕像有12000多座,壁画颜色精美,线条流畅,描绘的内容包括佛教教义、佛祖生平以及历史事件。相信你会为信仰所创造出的奇迹而惊讶的,至少是在艺术中创造的奇迹。Dennis: Wow, you seem to like them very much.丹尼斯:哇,你好像对莫高窟特别有感情。Nick: I went there several times. I think we should really cherish such treasure from the past.尼克:我去过好几次,我认为我们应该珍惜这些遗留下来的瑰宝。来源:可可英语



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