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假如你叫Lisa 你的笔友Tara上周发来邮件向你倾诉了她在生活中的一些困惑 并向你寻求

2020-11-14 01:40:01

first,you say that your parents are always busy with their work and don`t care about you.i think you`ve made a mistake. in fact, almost every parent cares their sons or daughters.maybe it`s only because they are engaged in their work and ignore you. have you ever have a close talk with them and tell them about your feeling? i think you should do it right now.the students are all busy in their work and you compete fiercely. seldom do you play and communicate with each other.the city always has busy traffic.meanwhile,it`s heavily polluted and everyone are in great pressure.

假如你叫Lisa 你的笔友Tara上周发来邮件向你倾诉了她在生活中的一些困惑 并向你寻求帮助.写一篇英语作文Tara的困惑;1感觉父母总是忙于工作 不太关心自己.2同学们都忙于学习 竟争激烈 作业帮



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