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2020-11-15 11:45:01



[作文类型] 柱状图

[作文题目] The chart below gives information about library borrowing in UK public libraries during a 10-year period from 1995 to 2005.


[综合点评]动态柱状图,考察了三个年份的书籍借阅类型的不同。写作的时候重点在于趋势的描写,每个相同对象构成一条线,强调变化的过程。 参考题目C7Test 3Task1.


[作文题目]Some people think that as the part of education, students should spend a period of time living in another country to learn its language and culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


[题材类别] 教育类

[思路分析]此话题看上去比较简单, 但是属于陷阱较多的题目。题目中存在并列关系 language and culture,因此在讨论的时候属于二者都要讨论到,否则视为偏题。








It is universally acknowledged that student are the leader of tomorrow, which highlights a necessity that these young followers should experience overseas life to learn the language as well as culture of the host country. Personally, I would completely agree with this statement.

Living in a foreign nation is always advantageous to experience a different culture, even for a short period of time. One day abroad is one day learnt. Hence, students living abroad usually have better and more thorough understanding of the outside world than those students who do not have these experiences; they also tend to have more open minds to differences in culture and so become more tolerant to other groups of people. Compared to those who learn the cultural values of foreign coun-tries from books and media, students who have overseas living experience can have a broader per-spective of the world we live in.

Also, having first-hand exposure to the local language is the best way to learn it. The truth is that no matter how much students excel in foreign language courses, they do not usually master the lan-guage completely. For example, there are never enough English native speakers in schools to pro-vide a real English-speaking community, which may result in students knowing English very well in terms of grammar or reading, but speaking and dialogue comprehension is a big obstacle for them. In contrast, living in the foreign environment gradually improves the learning and accent in speaking and allows them to learn collocations that native speakers normally use in daily conversations.

In conclusion, I firmly hold the view that living in another country for education purposes is advanta-geous both culture-wise and language-wise.



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