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2020-11-15 22:20:01







动机信,西语叫carta de motivación,英语叫motivation letter,如果你在某个专业的材料要求中看到了这两个词,或者需要你写一封信说明你对这个专业的了解、申请动机等,就代表你需要为这个专业写动机信啦。

有时候我们会遇到西班牙大学需要personal statement letter/carta de declaración personal(自我陈述信)











√ 这所大学是否需要动机信

√ 每个专业一封还是该大学的所有专业共用一封

√ 动机信有没有特殊要求






√ 有无语法错误,尤其是西语的阴阳性、单复数等

√ 专有名词有无错误,比如多个专业用同一封动机信,专业、老师的名字有没有改好

√ 逻辑是否通顺,结构上有无优化空间

√ 进一步优化措辞






1. 称呼收信人

2. 简要介绍自己的姓名、打算申请的专业(如该校所有专业共用一封动机信,则不用明确写出)、简单概括为什么选择这个专业/大学。

3. 介绍自己的过往经历,如教育、工作经历等,着重介绍与自己目标专业有关的部分,如发表论文、获得奖学金、实习、参加竞赛等。

4. 阐述自己选择该专业/大学的原因,为什么你认为你应当被录取,未来你打算用这个专业学到的知识进行哪些方面的发展。


5. 结尾、落款



1. 西班牙留学的动机信不要写太长,尽量控制在一页即可。

2. 动机信是你以个人名义写给学校老师的信,语气可以适当亲切、诚恳一些,语言简洁明了无语法错误即可,不要堆砌俗语、长难句,不要把动机信写成小作文。

3. 动机信是展示自我的空间,套用模板出来的动机信千人一面,老师也懒得看,原创的更有吸引力。

4. 写动机信要把握好度,既不要过于自信引起反感,也不要太过谦虚,让老师怀疑你是不是真的不行,尽量客观、有条理一些。

5. 写完记得多多检查,有条件的同学可以请老师、小伙伴给你修改或者提提建议。





Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to apply for the Master’s Degree program in Public Health at the Twente University starting in September 2018.I am passionate about healthcare and therefore I studied undergraduate studies in Dental Hygiene in Bulgaria. During my work as a dental hygienist, I learned that today’s complex health care problems require a multidisciplinary approach. For example, I often see elderly people living in a retirement home with bad oral health. The solution of this problem could be changing the curriculum of the education of the caretakers and put more attention to dental care. Another solution could be providing more subsidies/funds to the elderly care centers to ensure the oral health care for their residents. However, it is essential to do the research about caused of the problem and in order to propose effective solutions. Here is where my work as a dental hygienist ends and the works of the health scientist starts who not only understands the (preventive) health care but also the policies, epidemiology and economics.Currently I am living in Germany, where I am doing voluntary work in one Elderly care center within their dental clinic. Together with a dentist we offer free dental care to people who cannot afford it. Because I see a lot of people with bad teeth and poor knowledge about (oral) health I also visit organizations and schools to give lessons about oral health to children. In this way, I can utilize my knowledge to contribute to the society and I can gain work experience in the public health. I believe that my background and work experience as a dental hygienist is a major advantage as a health scientist, it will give me a better understanding of how things work in the practice.Through living abroad, I broadened my horizons and learned more about other cultures and lifestyles. I also learned German language and acquainted myself with health care system in Germany. Therefore I consider this as an enriching experience both personally and professionally which has incented me to further develop my skills and knowledge. I am especially interested to continue my studies in Holland because it is very innovative in dental health care and research. In the Netherlands there are many innovative health care methods, non-invasive which focus on non-operative treatment and prevention. This program has proven to be very effective in improving the oral health of children. I have chosen You University because of the high quality of the education and because here the student is encouraged to think creatively and critically, which is essential for a researcher.After graduating from this master I want to pursue a PhD in the field of the Health Sciences. For example, I am very interested in the NOCTP- method and other non-operative methods as I have mentioned before.I am convinced that studying a Master in Public Health at Twente University will provide me the knowledge and skills I will need as a researcher. And I am sure that I will be successful in this program and maintain the high standards of your university. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response.Yours faithfully,Name SurnameSignature


Estimado seor/Estimada seora:Habiendo concluido recientemente mi último curso en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, les envío mi solicitud y candidatura para el Máster de XXXXX que la universidad de XXXXX ofrece bajo su responsabilidad.Durante mis estudios, tuve la oportunidad de beneficiarse de un plan de estudios basado en (nombre e interés de la materia), y otros (interés, material de prácticas…. algún tipo de formación que tenga relevancia y relación con el máster al que aspiras).Particularmente interesado por el XXXX (aquí debes incluir el título del Máster o Postgrado que quieres hacer), tengo interés con continuar con mis estudios en XXXX para profundizar en mis conocimientos en este campo. Personalmente estoy muy interesado en la materia desde que realicé un un curso titulado XXXXX, cuyo objetivo era aprender lo básico de la materia, gracias XXXXX (métodos o técnicas utilizadas en curso) y entender cómo XXXX afecta al entorno actual y cómo manejar este tipo de situaciones con el fin de ser capaz de tomar las decisiones correctas. Esta experiencia me ayudó a desarrollar XXXX (cualidades o características) ventajas importantes en el campo de XXXX (nombre del Máster).Realizar el Máster XXXX sería un complemento ideal a mis conocimientos aprendidos y experiencia profesional que aportaría gran valor a mi carrera profesional. Mi objetivo es trabajar al servicio de una gran empresa XXXX. Estoy particularmente interesado en (e) de XXXX aspectos de desarrollo de negocios.Disponiendo de la capacidad de trabajo y motivación para el éxito en la realización del Máster, solicito su amabilidad en la recepción de mi solicitud de admisión al Máster XXXX.Le ruego acepte, Seora o Seor, la expresión de mi más cordial consideración.Nombre y apellidosFirma






感动的作文 第一次作文 餐桌前的谈话600字作文 我的好朋友作文600字 以幸福为话题的作文 我爱我的祖国作文 关于旅游的作文 如何写好作文 我的春节作文 写秋天的作文 熊猫的作文 作文我的梦想 军训作文 材料作文 关于幸福的作文 关于亲情的作文500字 我想对你说作文400字 以劳动为主题的作文 关于宽容的作文 运动会作文600字 关于大自然的作文 我和我的祖国作文 关于冬天的作文 清洁工作文 状物作文 优秀作文开头 春的作文 感恩父母作文300字 三年级植物作文300字 我的家乡作文200字