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2020-11-20 11:15:01


1.raise people’s awareness of…提高人们的某种意识The media can raise people’s awareness of global health issues.2.be the cornerstone of…是…的基石A good diet is the cornerstone of a healthy body and lifestyle.3.be an essential/ key ingredient of…是…的必备条件A key ingredient of smog that is potentially toxic to animal and plant life is ozone.4.sharpen one’s intellect提供某人用知识去分析问题的能力Science fiction novels give people a way to develop imagination and sharpen their own intellectin the real world.5.achieve and maintain sth.实现并且保持某种状态Having individual work area could help team members to achieve and maintain high levels of productivity.6.be a positive alternative… …是有益的选择This research provides a more positive alternative by reminding people that personality determines one’s attractiveness.7.be in accordance with与…一致,符合;We should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions.8.catch a glimpse of…快速了解一下某种事物,像中文的 “走马观花”In the near future, we will be able to catch a glimpse of the activities of our cosmic neighbors.9.integrate/ incorporate…into…将…结合进…The Office of Citizenship has organized many activities to help immigrants successfully integrate into American life.10.give priority to sth.把…放在优先位置Schools should always give priority to education quality.11.inject…into…把…注入,赋予…Immigrants tend to inject into stale, aging countries fresh vitality and fresh energy.12.the proliferation of…(污染,互联网等)的大量扩散The proliferation of nuclear weapons may pose threat to the whole world.13.in all likelihood很可能In all likelihood, there will be no economic recovery whatsoever when the dust settles. 14...., by no means, …绝不是By no means will this method produce satisfactory results.15.are not entirely unfounded不是完全没有根据Her fears are not entirely unfounded.16.put sth. in perspective 客观地看…To put it in perspective, 1.2 million jobs have vanished so far this year.17.Be mutually helpful/ beneficial/ dependent 互助的/互利的/相互依存的Practice has proved that China and ASEAN are?closely related and?mutually?dependent partners.18.is the exact antithesis of…与…截然相反Hope is the exact antithesis of despair. 19.beyond our wildest expectations超出了我们一切得预期In the past 10 years, computer science field has surged forward beyond our wildest expectations.20.take steps/take measures to do sth.采取措施去做某事We must take measures to better the traffic.21.widen the gap between...and...加大两者之间的差距Researchers found that running helped to widen the gap between the abilities of those in the running group and the non-running group, researchers found.?文章来源于网络,侵权请告知,我们将第一时间处理,诚意推荐。



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