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2020-11-29 20:30:01



①One of the prices humanity seems to pay for getting richer is the rise of asthma. ②This life-threatening, allergy-driven lung disease is(1) ____ in wealthy countries, absent from poor ones and on the rise in those making the transition. ③But exactly what causes it is unknown.

④A number of (2) ____have been proposed. ⑤These (3) ____ from the idea that clean modern living makes the immune system over-reactive to random allergy to the (4) ____ that chemicals in swimming pools are responsible. ⑥What these ideas have in common is the suggestion that some environmental change which accompanies (5) ____ development is the cause.

⑦A group of researchers led by Shadmehr Demehri believe these explanations are looking in the wrong place. ⑧Asthma is not, they think, caused by environmental factors. ⑨Rather, the (6) ____is indirect.

1. [A] natural [B] common

[C] normal [D] actual

2. [A] requirements [B] assessments

[C] accounts [D] explanations

3. [A] cover [B] shift

[C] range [D] vary

4. [A] thought [B] fragment

[C] stage [D] illusion

5. [A] moral [B] statistic

[C] economic [D] external

6. [A] process [B] link

[C] solution [D] outcome


One of the prices humanity seems to pay for getting richer is the rise of asthma. This life-threatening, allergy-driven lung disease is common in wealthy countries, absent from poor ones and on the rise in those making the transition. But exactly what causes it is unknown. 人类似乎要为变得更富有付出的代价之一就是哮喘的增多。这种由过敏引起的危及生命的肺部疾病在富裕国家很常见,但在贫穷国家并不常见,而且在那些正在转型的国家中发病率也在上升。但是,究竟是什么引起的还不清楚。

A number of explanations have been proposed. These range from the idea that clean modern living makes the immune system over-reactive to random allergy to the thought that chemicals in swimming pools are responsible. What these ideas have in common is the suggestion that some environmental change which accompanies economic development is the cause. 人们提出了许多解释。仁者见仁智者见智:有种看法认为,清洁的现代生活让免疫系统对随机过敏源反应过激;也有看法认为,在游泳池的化学药品都是导因。这些看法的共同点便是:伴随着经济发展的一些环境变化就是原因。

A group of researchers led by Shadmehr Demehri believe these explanations are looking in the wrong place. Asthma is not, they think, caused by environmental factors. Rather, the link is indirect. 由Shadmehr Demehri领导的一组研究人员认为,这些解释看错了地方。他们认为,哮喘不是由环境因素引起的。相反,这种联系是间接的。




显示评论内容(2) 收起评论内容
  1. 2021-11-30 11:01刘国才[山东省网友]IP:3411055769
  2. 2020-09-26 02:54△安 凉°[吉林省网友]IP:3389811436


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