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双语阅读|The Frog in Hot Water 温水煮青蛙的启示

2020-12-01 03:30:01

Once the frog fell in a vessel of the hot water. The Water was still on a gas stove. The frog still did not try to jump out of the vessel, instead just stayed in it. As the temperature of the water started to rise, the frog managed to adjust its body temperature accordingly.


As the water started to reach the boiling point, the frog was no longer able to keep up and manage its body temperature according to the water temperature.


The frog tried to jump out of the vessel but with water temperature reaching its boiling point, the frog was not able to bear it and couldn’t make it. What was the reason that a frog couldn’t make it? Will you blame the hot water for it?


Moral: The frog couldn’t make it due to its own inability to decide when it had to jump out. We all need to adjust according to the situations but there are times when we need to face the situation and take the appropriate action when we have the strength to do so before it’s too late. Walkout before you need to jump.


inability n. 无能; 无力; 不能;walkout n. (突然的) 罢工; (为表示抗议而突然的) 退场,退席。



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