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2020-12-05 22:05:01


雅思官方于5月13日上线了新产品IELTS Speakup,旨在帮助中国大陆区考生提升口语能力,在考试中拿到更高的分数。侧面反映出,我们要增强口语练习,才能在诸多考生中脱颖而出。



【hometown 家乡】

1. I came from the capital city of China,Beijing.It’s well-known around the world for its amazing history, architecture, music and fashion.我生活在首都城市北京。它以其令人艳羡的历史、建筑、音乐和时尚而闻名于世。

2. The Forbidden City is a fine example of Chinese architecture.故宫是中国最具代表性的建筑之一。

3. The advantages of living here are the high employment prospects and the wide range of things to do.在这里生活的好处是就业前景广泛,机会也更多一些。

4. My family and I lived in the suburbs,the cost of living is lower than downtown area.我和家人住在城市的郊区,生活成本会比市中心低很多。

5. Air pollution is one of many pressing issues my city is facing. The city is looking into ways to manage the problem.空气污染是我所在城市面临的众多紧迫问题之一。相关人员正在寻找改善该问题的方案。

6. There’s a bus route from our house to the park,it’s a great way for us to have a good time in the weekend.从我家到公园有直通车路线,非常享受周末在公园度过的闲暇。

7. The other thing I like about living in Beijing is that it’s so cosmopolitan. I could communicate with different sorts of people,meeting lots of opportunities.另外一点喜欢生活在北京的原因是城市的多元化,我可以接触到各行各业的人,遇到很多机会。

8. I live in one of those fancy new apartment blocks near the river. There are spectacular views over the city but the rent is horrendously high.我住在漂亮的新公寓,附近有漂亮的风景和小河。在城市中能看到这么美的风景真的很难得,相对的房租也非常高。

9. I accept that living in a city will have more noise, but this particular type of noise is piercing and very loud.我接受生活在城市中会产生更多的噪音这个情况,但是这种特殊的噪音既刺耳又非常吵闹。

10.Everything you need on a day-to-day basis is close at hand such as a wide range of shops, bars, and restaurants.你日常所需的一切都近在咫尺,例如各种各样的商店、酒吧和餐馆。



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