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英文小说 Stories in the Mine

2020-12-06 02:45:01

By Jeason Lan

Stories in the Mine


This is a Minecraft story. It all happened in a mine, and the mine was huge and was in a big mountain. Lots of people were in the mine and finding something we didn’t know. What happened in this mine? What did they found? How long could it be? Soon you will find out.

Chapter 1 The Mystery Man

It was on the Minecraft mining time, all people in many servers dug in Survival Mode all the time. Steve, Alex, Herobrine, and villagers also were digging and finding diamonds. Miles away, you can saw their pretty tiny houses and tents.

There were lots of flowers around a big house made of wood, which was Alex’s house. It was comfortable, cool, and beautiful. In the house, you could see a sofa, a bed, a kitchen, a work room and a wonderful garden. In the garden, Alex found flowers all around the world, like rose, sunflower, and so on. Alex loved her house so much.

A small house was Herobrine’s. This house is useful and warm. There was a work room, a bedroom, a Chemistry room, and a warehouse. Of course, there were many stoves around the quartz wall. Herobrine always worked hours and hours in there. He loved his small house, too. It was delicate.

That tent was Steve’s. It was full of machines in there, so Steve couldn’t sleep there. Steve usually slept in Herobrine’s home, but sometimes at villager’s home. Herobrine liked to be in Steve’s tent, he loved to study some new things.

Speak of villagers; they had a big three-in-one village, so there lived many villagers. Steve, Alex and Herobrine’s houses just built in the front of them. Steve planted and reaped wheat everyday in the village’s farmland. They lived happily.

One day, Herobrine was in the village library, and found a thick book named “Mine Masters” which was old and thickly dotted. Herobrine took the book into his house to study. Steve was exciting about that, and said, “We should find a mine and go inside, too.” “But,” Herobrine answered, “we must study this book and we’ll go then.” Then they studied hard.

Day and day, and sun passed and passed. Steve and Herobrine read the whole book twice. The last paragraph said, “The rest of the technique of mine, it’s for you to find out. I have written this book for seven years, it’s to help you to remember the basis of mine. You should practice more and more; then, you’ll be the world’s mine master! This is also the main idea of this book. Goodbye! We hope you to be the next mine master, and I will die in the right path.”

Alex saw it, and laughed, “What are you losers reading? You’re going to find a mine? That’s impossible! You guys never did something.”

“You know nothing.” Steve said unhappily and said to Herobrine, “Let’s go tomorrow.” Herobrine went back home and packed his bag. Steve just called Alex, “We think you should go to the mine plan, because we are the world’s best team. Without you, we can’t do perfect. We welcome you to the mine plan, come!” Alex agreed to go. Steve cheered.

Out of their houses’, one villager was watching their move. That villager was a village’s explorer, specialized snooping people. Now, the village knew this story. They didn’t hide. They reported this thing on the “Village news” and “Minecraft Big Things Newspaper”, so the whole Minecraft world knew about it.

“Looks like we should discourage them,” a mystery man said with a deep cankered voice, “or we could just kill them when they find the mine, and we will hold the mine.”

“Perhaps we will get many gold and diamonds, boss.” Another loud man said.

“No, gold is worthless, you followed me three years, and you didn’t know?” The man went on. He held a sword lightly in his hand.

“No, no, boss, I mean,” The loud man said continued, “The villagers are fool.” “Stop saying that, you idiot,” The mystery man roared, and suddenly put that sword into the loud man’s head. The man said nothing, just goggled at his boss, and died.



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