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2020-12-13 08:00:01




Inflation 通货膨胀

Inflation is the sustained rise in the general price level over time. This means that the cost of living increases and the purchasing power of money decreases.


Disinflation 通货减缩

Disinflation is the falling rate of inflation. This is when the average price level is still rising, but to a slower extent. This means goods and services are relatively cheaper now than a year ago, and the purchasing power of money has increased.


Deflation 通货紧缩

Deflation is the opposite, where the average price level in the economy falls. There is a negative inflation rate.



A. Demand pull: 需求拉动型的通货膨胀

This is from the demand side of the economy. When aggregate demand is growing unsustainably, there is pressure on resources. Producers increase their prices and earn more profits. It usually occurs when resources are fully employed.



The main triggers for demand pull inflation are:

A depreciation in the exchange rate, which causes imports to become more expensive, whilst exports become cheaper. This causes AD to rise.(汇率贬值促进出口增加)

Fiscal stimulus in the form of lower taxes or more government spending. This means consumers have more disposable income, so consumer spending increases.(政府财政刺激,增加公共支出,减少税收带动消费和投资)

Lower interest rates makes saving less attractive and borrowing more attractive, so consumer spending increases. (降低利率刺激消费和投资)

High growth in export markets means exports increase and AD increases. (出口市场的发展)

B. Cost push: 成本推动型的通货膨胀

This is from the supply side of the economy, and occurs when firms face rising costs. This occurs when:

Raw materials become more expensive, such as when oil prices rise.原材料价格上涨

Labour becomes more expensive. This could be through trade unions, for example.劳动力工资报酬增加

Expectations of inflation- if consumers expect prices to rise, they may ask for higher wages to make up for this, and this could trigger more inflation.对通货膨胀的预期导致劳动者要求更高的工资以维持生活开销。

Indirect taxes could increase the cost of goods such as cigarettes or fuel, if producers choose to pass the costs onto the consumer. 政府增加间接税会使生产者以抬高价格的形式转移部分税收给消费者。

Depreciation in the exchange rate, which causes imports to become more expensive, which pushes up the price of raw materials.汇率贬值使进口原材料变得更加昂贵。

Monopolies, using their dominant market position to exploit consumers with high prices.


C. Growth of the money supply: 货币供给量增加

If, for instance, the Bank of England printed more money, there would be more money flowing in the economy. Extreme increases in the money supply usually cause hyperinflation(恶性通货膨胀), when the rate of inflation is incredibly high and uncontrollable. It is only inflationary if the money supply increases at a faster rate than real output.






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