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2020-12-14 21:55:01

1. As I know that your company has good reputation, best chance for personal development and working environment.

就我所知, 贵公司有良好的声誉和工作环境, 尤其能为员工提供个人发展的绝好机会。

good reputation 良好的声誉

personal development 个人发展

working environment 工作环境

2. In my opinion, if you want to be XXXXX, you have to think independently, being cooperative, creative, outgoing etc..

依我看来, 要想做XXXXX, 你得学会独立思考, 善于合作, 创新并且性格开朗。

XXXX 指代你找的那个职位

think independently 独立思考

cooperative 合作的

creative 创新的

outgoing 外向的(性格开朗的)


3. I believe “Time is money and efficiency is life” .

我坚信 “时间就是金钱, 效率就是生命”。

efficiency 效率

4. As for salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity.

至于薪水, 我觉得还是等你们考察了我的能力之后再决定吧。

capacity 能力

5. You can reach me any time at your convenience by dialing xxx.

你可以在任何方便的时候拨打xxx(电话) 联系我。

reach 这里当联系的意思。

6. I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company.

我在课堂上已学到了很多东西, 希望在贵公司能把那些知识用到实际中去。

make practical use of 实际应用

7. My specialization at the college is just in line with the area your company deals with. I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your company.


Be in line with 与……一致

specialization 专业,专长

apply 应用

8. As for my weak points in applying for this post, I think I’ ll soon be qualified for it with my knowledge and skills, but as a green-hand in this field, I lack of practical experience at present.

说到我在应聘本职位时的不足之处, 我个人认为凭我的知识和技能, 我会很快胜任这一角色的。只不过眼前作为一个生手, 我还缺少实战经验。

weak points 弱点,不足之处

post 这里当应聘的职位的意思。

be qualified for 能够胜任干某事

green-hand 这里不是绿手,而是新手的意思。

lack of 缺乏,缺少

practical experience 实战经验;实际经验

9. I’ ve spent so much time on student communities’ activities during the four years. However, I’ ve never missed any of my classes. But I think my academic records would have been much better if I had put more time and energy into studying, looking back on it.

在大学的四年间, 我花了大量时间参加学生社团活动, 但我从未因此缺课。回头想想, 如果我把更多的时间放在学习上, 我的学业成绩一定会更好一些。

student communities 学生社会

academic records 学习成绩

looking back on it 回头看

10. I’ ve been on the honor roll for four academic years.





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