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2020-12-17 13:40:01








Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

1 This week, some 25,000 people from the regional and global FinTech

communities – spanning the financial, technology, and VC industries – they

will gather, network, and exchange views. On behalf of the MAS -

Welcome to the opening day of the Singapore FinTech Festival 2017!

2 I also want to thank all of you who will be speaking in various

segments of the programme. It is your sharing of knowledge that will help

make this the premier event and one of its kind in the world. Our gratitude

also goes out to the members of MAS’ International Technology Advisory

Panel for generously sharing your insights. Thank you very much.

A Smart Nation

3 Like many leading countries, Singapore aspires to be a Smart Nation.

What is it really? We know what it is not – it does not about robots and AI

replacing people or running our lives. Technology is only one part of a

Smart Nation.


4 It means doing things the smart way. In a Smart Nation, day to day

processes like booking a taxi ride, ordering food, checking in at the airport,

applying for a business licence, they can be streamlined and interfaced

through the internet or mobile devices where possible. This is not just a

matter of applying technology, but designing more intuitive human

processes and business processes.

5 It means applying data and information to make life better. If we can

extract data well, we can anticipate needs and create more meaningful

solutions. We can warn someone before he falls sick, minimise traffic

accidents, hunt down a criminal faster, or repair a machine before it fails.

We can implement policies that are more evidence-based, with greater


6 It also means having smart people. I don’t mean IQ or EQ here, but

having people who embrace change and new ways of doing things. It

means having people who are adaptable, civic-minded, and resilient to

initial hiccups as we embark on a digital transformation. I think ultimately,

that is the biggest determinant of a Smart Nation.

7 Finally, behind a Smart Nation is the financial system that oils the

mechanics and engine of the real world, and that too must be smart. A

smart financial centre will have FinTech at its heart. This evening, I want to


give a flavour of what MAS and the industry – comprising both FinTech

firms and financial institutions – are doing to promote innovation and

harness the benefits of technology. I will touch on three areas:

a. How MAS is using the regulatory sandbox to promote

experimentation and innovation;

b. How we are promoting electronic payments in a way different

from other countries; and

c. How we are equipping our people for a Smart Nation, as a

national movement.

Regulatory Sandbox

8 First, the regulatory sandbox. Last year, MAS launched the FinTech

regulatory sandbox to allow firms to experiment in innovative solutions

while preserving safety and soundness. Since then, MAS has received

more than 30 applications to “play in the sandbox”.

9 It turns out that half of these applications did not require the sandbox.

Many did not need any regulatory exemption and MAS told them to go

ahead and launch their solutions. That is really encouraging and a positive

reflection of our regulatory framework, because innovation thrives most


when enterprising people can commence business and implement ideas


10 The remaining applicants are currently in the sandbox, have been

approved to enter the sandbox, or are in discussions with MAS on their

applications. One has graduated from the sandbox.

11 What kind of ideas are tested in the sandbox? One example of a

business that is in the sandbox is Kristal Advisors. It is testing an

innovative financial advisory and portfolio management service. Rather

than the usual way of recommending investment portfolios based on a set

of pre-defined rules, the solution uses machine learning to continuously

analyse and learn from the investor’s on-going decisions, with the aim of

making better recommendations to the investor.

12 This involves untested technology and an unconventional fund

manager, so we set up some boundaries within which Kristal could test its

technology in a live environment with real customers.

13 The first applicant to graduate from the regulatory sandbox is an

insurance broker called PolicyPal. It was founded by a young

entrepreneur, Val Yap. She has been named one of Forbes Asia’s “30

under 30” in the finance and venture capital industry. Val left a stable job in

a large bank to start PolicyPal because of the difficulties she faced as an


insurance customer. She started PolicyPal to help customers manage their

insurance policies digitally in one place. The customer uses his phone to

snap photos of his insurance policies and uploads them onto PolicyPal’s

mobile app. The app uses OCR technology to digitise and analyse the

documents, and give the customer an assessment of where he has

duplicate or insufficient insurance coverage. And, using the app, the

customer can purchase new insurance plans and store them in the same

app, easily.

14 But, as a startup, PolicyPal was unable to meet MAS’ criteria for

licensing, including track record and financial requirements. And the OCR

and applied analytics technologies were untested. PolicyPal was therefore

granted the necessary exemptions to allow it to test its solution in the

sandbox with a limited pool of actual and real customers. PolicyPal was

successful in its sandbox experiment and is now a licensed insurance


15 The sandbox is as much a learning journey for the applicants as it is

for MAS. As we learn more, we can do more for the industry, and do it

better. MAS will expedite the sandbox application assessment so that firms

can test and launch their innovative solutions faster. MAS will also further

loosen the regulatory boundaries for sandbox cases where the risks do not

outweigh the potential benefits of the solution to consumers.


Electronic Payments

16 Let me now talk about electronic payments. E-payments is an

essential part of any digital economy. In many countries, large closed loop

systems dominate the market because of first mover advantage and fast

adoption. They are very convenient, but the downside about closed loop

systems is that they raise concerns about market competition and evolution

of new solutions for the long term. In Singapore which is a city-state, we

want to ensure that our systems are open loop. They should be

interoperable, and yet convenient. This may mean we have to put in some

regulations, but these measures should not be over-bearing.

17 One important step that MAS took was to work with the industry to lay

the infrastructure that will support an interoperable e-payment system.

FAST was launched in 2014, followed by PayNow in July this year.

18 FAST is Singapore’s 24x7 real-time inter-bank retail payment system.

PayNow is built upon FAST. It links bank accounts to mobile phone

numbers or personal ID numbers, and enables people to make inter-bank

transfers into and out of their bank accounts using just the mobile phone

number or personal ID number. The service is free to use for individuals, it

is secure, and always on. Today over 600,000 Singaporeans have

registered for PayNow in less than five months and we expect the number

to grow.


19 People are already using PayNow for everyday transactions like

splitting lunch bills and sharing the cost of joint purchases. But it is

businesses that stand to gain the most in efficiency and cost reduction by

adopting e-payments. PayNow will therefore be extended to businesses

around the middle of next year. Businesses will be able to link their Unique

Entity Numbers, or UENs, to their bank accounts. This will allow

businesses to pay each other, or receive payments from customers,

through their UENs.

20 FAST and PayNow are important conduits of interoperability. They

are payments infrastructure, plugging all banks, businesses and consumers

onto a single, open platform. But many other e-payment solutions have

also sprouted, using different tokens and apps for different member groups.

That can be confusing for the ordinary man in the street. How we can

minimize confusion and ensure convenience is to have all these solutions

adopt the same uniform point-of-sale interface. We are working with the

industry to make e-payments adoption more pervasive and convenient that


21 Next, through the Payments Council, we will set nation-wide common

QR specifications for e-payments – the SGQR. The major banks, e-wallet

providers, and payment schemes are all on board. From next year, the

SGQR will be progressively rolled out across the island. So in the very


near future, when you walk into a shop that accepts QR code payments,

you should only see SGQR with all the acceptance marks underneath it. If

your payment method is accepted by the merchant, you just need to use

your smart phone to scan and pay to a single SGQR.

22 As for solutions that rely on payment cards, MAS and the banking

industry have also been working on a unified point-of-sale, or UPOS. More

than 17,500 UPOS terminals have been deployed at merchants like

supermarkets, convenience stores, fast food chains, and government

agencies. Over the next two years, thousands more UPOS terminals will

be rolled out.

23 We are also striving for e-payments interconnectivity not just

domestically, but also with our neighbours and regional countries. We have

started in a small way with India and China, and will progressively work

towards interconnectivity with other countries. The largest merchant

acquirer in Singapore, NETS, will establish a framework to enable crossborder

payment linkages with the National Payment Corporation of India or


24 So from the middle of next year, anyone who holds a NETS card in

Singapore can make online purchases on any NPCI e-commerce merchant

website in India. NETS is also working with NPCI to allow NETS payments

at all 2.8 million RuPay point of sale terminals in India. Conversely, a


RuPay customer can use his RuPay card or RuPay-enrolled mobile phone

to pay at any NETS acceptance point in Singapore.

25 UOB and DBS have also made inter-connection arrangements with

UnionPay, which is the dominant payment card platform in China. Our two

largest local banks issue UOB or DBS UnionPay Cards which can then be

used at all UnionPay terminals in China.

Preparing a Nation

26 The third and final area I want to touch on is talent. Talent is

probably the most important ingredient for a vibrant finance sector. Today I

speak to you as a member of the MAS Board of Directors. But my main job

is really the Minister for Education, and education and skills development is

what I have been asked to bring to the MAS.

27 Our school children across different ages are strong in their PISA

scores. This is a good thing, because a strong foundation in literacy and

numeracy is critical to innovation in a digital environment. The main reason

for these strong scores is a societal culture that emphasises education.

What also helped is our rather unique way of teaching mathematics, which

focuses on analytical thinking from a very young age. Our mathematics

curriculum is open source, and has been adopted by many countries. The

difference in our approach is that imparting analytical thinking skills early,


provides a much stronger foundation than teaching a kid how to code.

Coding language may become obsolete, but analytical thinking is


28 To put such analytical thinking to practice, our students are widely

exposed to robotics, coding, IT and digital technology through academic

curriculum and also co-curriculum activities.

29 On the FinTech front, MAS and our five local polytechnics

collaborated on the PolyFinTech 100 initiative last year, to equip

polytechnic graduates with the skills to take on new FinTech-related jobs.

To date, more than 1,500 students have benefitted from this initiative. The

students are mentored by FinTech professionals in Singapore.

Participating students also interned in Silicon Valley, Shanghai, Jakarta,

Munich and Sydney.

30 At the university level, our largest university – the National University

of Singapore – requires all students to undergo compulsory modules in

computation thinking or quantitative reasoning. In another niche University

– the Singapore University of Technology and Design – the focus is on the

contemporary design skills.

31 Beyond the formal school system, we have embarked on a national

movement called SkillsFuture, urging all Singaporeans to participate in


lifelong learning, to master their craft in their respective professional fields.

We rolled out a national training program called SkillsFuture for Digital

Workforce, to equip all Singaporeans – young and old, from all sectors –

with the attitude and skills to work in a digitally enabled environment.

32 We also enlarged the mission of all our Institutes of High Learning,

including vocational institutes and universities, to include lifelong learning.

So collectively, these institutes will be rolling out 400 courses by early next

year to cater to adult learners, and mostly in the areas of digital economy,

technology, and entrepreneurship. I think no other country has mobilized all

its national education resources to prepare its people for the future as we


33 I am pleased to announce that this week we will formalise the TeSA

FinTech Collective that MAS, IMDA, and SSG have jointly embarked on

with six universities and five industry associations. This is part of IMDA’s

Tech Skills Accelerator initiative that aims to accelerate professional

development and enhance employability outcomes for ICT professionals,

and is driven by the MAS-led TeSA Finance Sector Committee. This

collaboration will be the first large scale effort between an entire industry

sector and the full range of all local autonomous universities. The TeSA

FinTech Collective aims to enhance pre-employment and continuing

education training for undergraduates, postgraduates and working adults,

especially FinTech professionals, in emerging ICT skills. With better


twinning between education and industry, participants in the programme

will benefit from enhanced ICT curricula and on-the-job industry training

opportunities in FinTech related roles.


34 I have given you a snapshot of where we are and what we plan to do

for FinTech in Singapore. We live in an unprecedented era, where the

advancement of digital technology has empowered individuals beyond our

imagination. The entrepreneurs of today will change the world, in the way

we do business and go about our daily lives. Singapore is honoured to be

able to host you today. Last year Singapore hosted the largest FinTech

festival internationally, and this year it’s bigger, better and brighter. Enjoy

the Festival. Thank you very much.



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